Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Ok....ok ok ok!! If I were a person to swoon over someone famous...to dream about them and to fantasize about meeting them and how they couldn't keep their eyes off me and had to have me, later asking me to marry them and we live happily ever after...it would NOT be Kelsey Grammer!! It would be Sean Connery or John Travolta.
But....-sigh- for the past two weeks I can't seem to get Kelsey out of my head! I watch Frasier almost every night before bed so I'm sure that has something to do with it although I have been watching it for years ...so why did I go so far as to Google him! I hear on TV/Google that he has been dating a 29 yr old flight attendant and even though his divorce from his 4th wife is not final he has asked her(kayte) to marry him in February!
All I can say is.... I'm not into hairy backs and I hope these thoughts end quickly......

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