Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ellie Addiction!

So I hate small dogs :P I had a toy poodle for 14 years and about 11 years ago I had to put her down for different reasons. I loved that dog and at the same time was relieved she was gone....she was such an annoying little dog, always under my feet, in my lap, barking, trying to nip at strangers and peeing! When she died I said I would never do that I ended up with one of the best dogs I have ever had, Riley, my yellow lab who this past Christmas after battling cancer was put down while I held him. I had sworn off small dogs forever...big ones were just more my thing..until....Ellie. A few months ago she bounced her way in my arms and I have been a complete sap for this dog! I HATE SMALL DOGS ..remember? I think about her all day and coming home has never been more fun than when she comes bouncing and rolling down the hall to greet me! I have taken loads among loads of pictures of her, it's worse than having a baby and I have completely fallen in love with a small dog...

1 comment:

Ang said...

Ellie...I know that no one commented on how much of a pretty princess you are but I know it and you know it in your heart so it's all good! Mwah! prettttty pretttty princess girl!