Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rolly Polly's !!!

Ok, on to more important topics like ROLLY POLLY'S!
Don't you just love them? I was thinking about them today as I drove to Walmart ,which I hate so that's another blog, and I remember rolly polly's from when I was little bitty right up till now. I still get a warm feeling when I see one and I always pick it up and play with it and let it go making sure it's safe. My boys liked them when they were young and although they would not admit it now...I know they still have a sweet spot in in their heart for them. How could you not?!! As I was driving and thinking about them I realized "Hey, I don't even know what they are! Are they rolly polly's? " So this prompted me to research my life long friend.

Pillbug, sowbug, or rolly-polly. A terrestrial crustacean, not an insect, with 7 pairs of legs. Eats decaying wood, leaves and vegetable matter.
Some people call them tumblebugs or doodlebugs too! The correct name for them is actually
Armadillidium vulgare but they will always be rolly polly's to me :)
So when you see one remember they are harmless and sweet , pick one up and watch it curl up in your hand and when your done put him away safely!

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